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Towards a network of Operational Marine Biology: the ANERIS project

Towards a network of Operational Marine Biology: the ANERIS project

Published on 2024-02-20
Don't miss this video!! The ANERIS project introductory video available now on the ANERIS YouTube channel.

Published on 2024-01-25
ANB Sensors has developed a cost-effective, smart, self-calibrating, and low-maintenance pH sensor suitable for various sensing platforms, including ocean monitoring. ANB has introduced a new prototype

Published on 2024-01-19
The work conducted by EMSO has been highlighted at the NATO Advanced Training Course in Agadir, Morocco, thanks to presentations by representatives from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Published on 2024-01-10
From December 4 to December 22, the second BITER oceanographic campaign took place aboard the RV Sarmiento de Gamboa. The primary aim of this expedition was to assess the restoration status of marine reserves.

Published on 2023-08-03
The SARTI group of the UPC and the company RocRoi collaborate to apply IoT technologies to the safety and control of recreational boating activities.

Published on 2023-08-02
The week of July 24-28, 2023, took place the first campaign at sea, more specifically in the Cala del Vigatà in Sant Feliu de Guixols, where several of the project partners, in this case UdG, UPM, Iqua and UPC

Published on 2023-08-02
Last June 19-20, 2023 took place the Marine Technology Workshop,, at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) in Castelló, an event co-organized by CIRTESU and the SARTI group of the UPC.

Published on 2023-02-14
On February 13, MARUM researchers from the University of Bremen have started testing sensors for underwater vehicles at the OBSEA facility under the EMSO ERIC physical Access 2022 call.

Published on 2022-10-19
A new seafloor cable from Obsea to shore has been installed. Thanks to the collaboration of @utm_csic , research vessel Garcia del Cid and its crew.

Published on 2022-01-12
The MINKE project opens the first application period for access to maritime calibration laboratories.

Published on 2021-11-12
Unable to pass up an opportunity like this, SARTI colleagues were in La Palma last week of the campaign.

Published on 2021-10-25
Enoc Martínez, Daniel Mihai Toma and Joaquín del Río, members of SARTI, gave in the first edition of the EMSO Time Series Conference (EMSO TSC), the training Requirements and methods for the production of time series of ocean noise

Published on 2021-09-27
On 21 and 22 September, from OBSEA-UPC we participated in the 1st meeting of the Spanish Monitoring Network in Mallorca, organized by IMEDEA colleagues.

Published on 2021-09-23
The aim of this project is to expand existing knowledge about marine noise and assess the feasibility of incorporating electric propulsion in small fishing vessels

Published on 2021-06-22
The ninth edition of the Martech 2021 marine technology workshop took place from 16 to 18 June.

Published on 2021-06-22
Although the project had to stop its activity in March due to the pandemic, tests carried out in the last quarter of 2020 and virtual meetings to share results have allow

Published on 2021-06-22
On December 19, a dead dolphin of the species Stenella coeruleoalba, one of the most common in the Mediterranean Sea, was found on the beach of s’Abanell (Blanes,

Published on 2021-06-22
The journal Science Robotics publishes an article led by Dr. Ivan Masmitja, postdoctoral researcher in the SARTI group, explains how a new study by the ICM-CSIC, the UPC and the UdG reveals that

Published on 2021-06-22
On November 12, the SARTI group participating in the MELOA project carried out the second test campaign on

Published on 2024-05-17
Matias Carandell, PhD researcher at SARTI group (UPC), has been distinguished with the second prize of the Student Poster Competition of the IEEE Oceans Global Congress organized by the IEEE Oceani