OBSEA temporary unavailable due to maintenance tasks. We apologize for any inconveniences it may cause.

OBSEA (Underwater Camera)

Temperature: ºC

Conductivity: S/m

Salinity: PSU

Sound Speed: m/s

Observation made at (UTC)

OBSEA (Buoy)
Wind Speed Wind Direction
m/s º
Air Temp (ºC) Air Pressure
Degrees Celsius bars
Observation made at (UTC)
Temperature (CTD)
Temperature (Buoy Meteo)

Temperature of air near Earth’s surface* : ºC

Horizontal Wind Speed* : km/h

Wind direction* : º To the north

Peak Gust* : km/h Relative humidity* : %

Rate of rainfall: mm/h

Pressure at the sea level* : hPa

Observation made at (UTC)

*Averaged 30 minute.

Location: 41º 13' 24''N / 1º 44' 11'' / 14m above sea level

Temperature (Ground Station)
Sea Water Temperature (Buoy Multiprobe)
OBSEA (Seismometer)


Current Speed at 1.4m from the seafloor Current Direction at 1.4m from the seafloor
m/s º
Wave significant height Mean wave period
m s
Observation made at (UTC)
OBSEA (Hydrophone)